As I snacked on some almonds and raisins this morning as the boys were getting up, I expected some requests to have eat some almonds as well from my boys.
Though no one asked for any, I thought about what my boys observe and how that influences their choices. Jesus said, "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what He seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise" (John 5:19). The Son observes His Father and does the works of His Father.
As a father, I wonder how much my sons observe me and my behavior. Do they see someone that they are proud of and want to be like? Do they see me serve them and their mother? Do they see my testimony moving me to action? Much of their outlook on life will be influenced by my behavior and action. What example am I setting?
As a son, I wonder how much observing I do. If I am to become like my Father in Heaven, how often do I seek to see Him in my life? How often do I try to see His mighty works bless my life and the lives of my family and friends? How willing am I to follow the patterns established by the Son of God?
As I observe my Father in Heaven, I will naturally desire to serve others. As I serve others, I know that I will likewise bless my children as they see my example. This is the way of happiness.
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